Friday, December 11, 2009

What is some good acne medication that I can buy at any store?

I have very oily skin. I used to use proc active and it worked well, but it got expensive so I stopped getting it. It did cause some redness around my nose and did feel like it burned a little sometimes. I was just wondering is there is any acne medication I can buy that works well and is not really expensive.What is some good acne medication that I can buy at any store?
Clean your face every morning with cotton ball soaked with apple cider vinegar, might sting a little but very effective,try if you don't have a sensitive skin. Try on a small part first. Helpful solutions for pimples at is some good acne medication that I can buy at any store?
I shall be honest with you here, depending on how bad your skin is, the things I have found that help are the Tea Tree Range from the body shop. I also tried Freederm which was ok. I prefer the tea tree stuff.

If you have very oily skin you dont want to over do it in case it makes it more oily, if you clean your skin a lot your face makes more oil to replace it so in the end its creating too much again and that wont help.

If your female hit your doctors and ask for a pill called Dianette, as well as working as a contreceptive it is also an acne treatment, it take 3 months for you to see any difference but it works.

Or go to Dr and ask for Isotrexin gel it contains vitamin a and is gel safer version of accutane.

I have been on accutane and it is very very good, but it has horrid side affects, no alcohol cos it recks your liver, liver checks every month, no pregnancy for at least 6 months after stopping treatment.

I would try the Tea Tree stuff first.

Hope this helped. :)

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