Thursday, June 24, 2010

I went on the acne medication Accutane 5 years ago, and I STILL have a dry nose.How do I cure this irritation?

I've used Vaseline (reccommended by dermatologist) for years... but I'm sick of having to swab it with a Q-Tip up my nose every few hours to remain comfortable. Plus, I'm not to keen on the idea of breathing in petroleum for years and years. Is there any way to put a final stop to this constant dryness?I went on the acne medication Accutane 5 years ago, and I STILL have a dry nose.How do I cure this irritation?
Petroleum isn't harmful in any way, even over long periods of time. In fact it is very helpful, because our skin and membrane need oils, if they're not produced by the body. You should see if your doctor has any ideas though, since it sounds uncomfortable and there may be alternative medications that don't cause this side effect.I went on the acne medication Accutane 5 years ago, and I STILL have a dry nose.How do I cure this irritation?
go back to the docter.
See your doctor first. Then if you are looking for a good way to moisturize you nose try this. Maybe you have been given some small pump spray bottle for a nose spray that you still have,,,,, if so, empty and flush it. Put in it filtered or distilled water with sea salt in it. Spritzing it up your nose will moisturize your nose and be easy and clean.
I would go back to your doctor quickly.
Get off the medication. You might not need to use it anymore. It's been 5 years.
I use Vitamin E for a similar problem.
Use a nasal spray with glycerin (or go to the Doctor).
If you have been off the drug for five years its' not likely that this is related to the acutane. You most likely have another disorder. You should probably see an ottorhinolaringologist (ear, nose, and throat specialist) ASAP%26gt; As for the use of vasoline it does in some cases have a tendency to suppress the activity of the cillia that line the passageways in the lungs.

Most ENTS recomend the use of KY jelly (don't laugh they are serious).
Humidify your environment, use nasal saline spray and see what is causing your allergies to act up. That is probably what is causing the dry noseirritation.

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